The Bunco Squad
"The Bunco Squad" a funny, heartwarming comedy, taking place right here in South Central Kentucky! Synopsis: In this hilarious, brand-new comedy, you are invited to sit in on Bunco night in Glasgow, Kentucky! This squad of long-time friends’ drink, eat, reminisce, gossip, complain about their husbands and occasionally remember to play another round of Bunco. Written by Jim Hesselman from Derby Dinner Playhouse, this comedy is a slice of life with characters we all can recognize from our own neighborhoods. With a scoop of sass, a dollop of drama, a heap of heart, and loads of laughs, you will leave smiling ear to ear and ready to reconnect with old friends!
Four Performances - Friday, March 7th @7pm - Saturday, March 8th @2pm & 7pm - Sunday, March 9th @2pm